Friday, March 07, 2008

d3vscan Alpha 7 release.

      With the release of Alpha 7, d3vscan has reached it's functionality target. That being said, the next phase would be fine tunning,code cleanup & ironing out bugs. I have decided to drop the radial map in Map View for Bluetooth mode since msbt(Win XP) doesn't support RSSI scanning. I am also looking into the vulnerability scanner plug-in based on OSVDB. Do stick with the sqlite3 module (Python 2.5) if you need any database functionality with your Python applications. Pysqlite is relatively buggy. Zaid and Hazwan are still working on the OS identification optimization plug-ins. Their work is scheduled for the Alpha 8 release.

      I will be away next week and busy preparing for my Google SoC 2008 proposal under the Umit project for the weeks to come. I am excited about GSoC 2008 and Umit. The d3vscan prototyping experience will be invaluable when writing my GSoC proposal. I've been working hard for almost a year now plus this is my last shot at GSoC. The stakes are high. I am keeping my fingers crossed as things unfold.

d3vscan Alpha 7 release highlights:

-Bluetooth Map View
-Real-time SDP browse

                                   Bluetooth Map View

                                   Service Discovery Protocol Browse

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