Saturday, January 12, 2008

Trimester break

So yea. I was excited about the holidays for numerous reasons. Firstly, my uni's trimester break around this time of the year falls right after Christmas and New Year's which sucks. Secondly, I wanted a break from computers. Heck, even the Playstation 3 which i initially bought as a stress buster is now a webserver(running Apache). Not to mention that my sleeping cycle is messed up. Working on the laptop for over 12 hours a day does put a strain on you. The excitement fizzled off when I got an email from Brent of the Gentoo Cell Overlay team where he needed the GCC 4.3 bootstrap fix for the PPC arch ASAP. With that, a week of holidays was burnt and I only have 2 more left to spare.

Here am I after almost a week of holidays gone. Made it a point yesterday to put take a breather from everything. I went out to the local mall to purchase COD 4 for the Playstation 3. My younger brother bought a few games a few weeks back(Assassins Creed, SKATE and Motorstorm) and it's my turn to purchase em. Spent the whole day just chilling with the games and later hanging out at the skate park. Wasn't going Gung-ho on plans since I'd be traveling out with my girl and a few friends during the last week of holidays. Looking forward to that.

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